The Heart of the World
Uncovering the Mystical Heart of Christ's Teachings
There are many people who've had a deep resonance with Christ and his message -- but are sincerely conflicted because of the hypocrisy, power dynamics, dogma, exclusivity, and horrific abuse that continue to plague our Christian religious institutions.
Because of this conflict, some have thrown the baby out with
the bathwater when it comes to Christ. Yet, in doing so something precious and essential is lost.
Many of us have never been exposed to the unique spiritual technology that lives at the heart of the Christian Mystical
tradition. This ancient wisdom can assist us in a fully embodied transformation of the heart that is desperately needed in our world right now.
The Christ We Never Learned About
Embedded within Christ's journey is actually a powerful roadmap created for one purpose: to help humanity realize our Divine potential.
At the heart of the Christian mystical tradition is a spiritual technology designed to help us upgrade our hearts to their highest levels of living and loving.
This is not what most of grew up learning at church! Yet,
this particular kind of transformation is needed now more than ever in our world.
Humanity is at a crossroads-- we are either going to fall further into division and hate, or seize this time in our
history to catapult us forward into our human destiny:
true love, understanding, and compassion for one another.
Within the Christ-template -- his teachings, message, and
the very path he embodied -- exists a step-by-step guide
that can transport us from our current state of narrow-minded consciousness into a state of the heart that is truly one with God. That kind of heart is wide enough to love, to forgive -- even our 'enemies' -- and to be an instrument of sacred activism, inclusion and peace in our world.
Christ's deeper invitation was not to a creed or
a belief system, but a call for an interior change.
The Christ template offers us a new way
of seeing, living, and loving in the world.
TheMystical Path
The radical journey Christ invites us into is not usually
taught within the structures and teachings of mainstream religion. This interior part of the journey has little to do with creeds or beliefs and everything to do with a total enlightenment of our bodies, hearts, and minds.
The institutional church hasn't been fully equipped or prepared to offer the vast majority of people (clergy included!) an experiential approach to healing the
human condition. A very different transformation is called for if we are going to sustain and embody the interior transfiguration that Christ taught.
This kind of interior transformation is available through the Mystical Christ offerings--both online and in person.
No matter what path we're on- if we aren't seeing the fruits of embodied growth - greater awareness, love, compassion, and service in the world - then we have to stop and honestly ask ourselves if that path is truly bringing about real transformation in our heart and in our life.